Shop our favourite dahlias!
Grower's Favourite Mix includes 5 tubers of our favourite and most prolific varieties of tubers. Assorted only. We'll choose a mix of colours for you.
May include:
- Cafe au Lait
- Cafe au Lait Royal
- Boom Boom White
- Ferncliff Bliss
- Brittany Rey
- Blizzard
- Coralie
- Cornel
- Clearview Debbie
- Normandy Bright Day
- Normandy Sweet Lucy
- Camano Love
- Tomo
- American Dawn
... and more!
Dahlias love full sun: warm days and warm soil. Full planting instructions will be included in package.
Shipping is available in Canada ONLY. Pickup is available at Green Bee Floral Co., in Strathroy, ON. Shipping and pickup notifications will go out once the danger of freezing has passed (usually end of April).
Our tubers have been grown and purchased from reputable, independent, flower farms across the country, and are carefully divided and inspected to make sure they are absent of visible diseases.