If you've always wanted to grow ranunculus, but haven't mastered pre-sprouting, this is your chance to grow some of our favourite assorted varieties of one of our favourite spring blooms!
Cut-off to order is March 31, 2025
Pickup Easter weekend (April 17 and 19)
Pickup + Plant in late April for flowers mid to late May!
Our ranunculus pots feature 4 assorted ranunculus plants that can be put directly into your gardens or garden pots in spring. Do not wait for last frost to plant these.
Ranunculus blooms best when nights are cool, and days are mid-teens to mid-twenty degrees and before the soil warms up completely. Ranunculus will go dormant when temperatures are consistently above 26 celsius.
Part to full sun required. Each plant will grow 2-5 blooms.
NOT SHIPPABLE. Must be picked up at Green Bee Floral Co.