Everyday Market Style Bouquet
Everyday Market Style Bouquet
Everyday Market Style Bouquet
Everyday Market Style Bouquet
Everyday Market Style Bouquet
Everyday Market Style Bouquet

Everyday Market Style Bouquet

Regular price $30.00
Unit price  per 

The Everyday Market Style Bouquets are just that:  a smaller bunch of seasonal blooms + foliage.

The bouquets are wrapped in kraft paper and hand-tied with twine. All bouquets are "florist's choice" based on what floral we have in studio each week.

Please note: bouquet components are always based on seasonal availability and substitutions may be made. 

Please note that these bouquets do NOT come in a vase. If you would like to add a vase with water as part of delivery, please add the vase. A $5.00 upcharge applies.

Delivery is available in Strathroy, London, Komoka, Kilworth, Mt Brydges, Delaware. Please select "local delivery" at checkout. Daily deliveries leave the shop at 2pm EST.